We will host three 30 minute PRACTICE Zoom meetings on Monday, December 28th at 8:00 pm, Sunday, January 3rd at 8:00 pm, and Thursday, January 7th at 8:00 pm. The Zoom links will be posted individually on Facebook and the NDQHA webpage.
These practice meetings will allow our members to download Zoom, become familiar with a Zoom call, and practice voting while on the video call. Please join us in our practice meetings.
Dear NDQHA Members,
Hello! I hope that everyone got to enjoy the holidays.
I want to invite all members, past and present, to our NDQHA Annual Convention held online via Zoom on Saturday January 9, 2021 at 1:00pm.
The NDQHA Board of Directors made the tough decision to cancel our annual NDQHA Social, Banquet and Convention due to Covid-19. The decision was made after much deliberation that the risk to our members health and well being was too great. The CDC and state guidelines recommend there are at least 6 ft between people not from the same household. The NDQHA BOD feels it would be too difficult to maintain this social distancing during our meetings and banquet.
The NDQHA by-laws state that we must hold an annual convention to vote into effect a new board of directors. We feel the best way to host our annual convention for the safety of our members is online via Zoom. We will be voting in multiple new board of directors, one new AQHA National Director elect and a possible by-law change. The NDQHA BOD encourages all members, past and present, to please attend and vote online during this meeting.
The Zoom meeting will also include information from the NDAQHA Board, Youth Advisor and our National Directors along with the NDQHA 2021 Show Season locations and dates. We look forward to giving our members the information they desire and answering all questions.
The following positions will need to be voted on:
- 4 Open Board Positions - NDQHA Open Secretary - AQHA National Director
Saturday January 9, 2021 at 1:00pm.
The Zoom meeting link:
Ryane Bakke
NDQHA President
Our annual meeting will be held via Zoom on Saturday, January 9th at 9:30 am. Please attend if you can. There are several board positions open; think about serving your association. Minutes are on the website, so please review prior to the meeting. Look forward to seeing everyone! Ashley Everson NDAQHA President Zoom link:
Hello youth! This is a reminder that we will hold our annual youth meeting via Zoom this Saturday, January 2nd at 10:00 a.m.
PLEASE NOTE - The youth meeting is THIS SATURDAY - which is a week before the NDQHA annual meeting.
Here is the link for the meeting:
Please attempt to access the meeting via Zoom sometime beforehand so you can make sure you are able to access the meeting the day of.
Contact Jesse Armstrong (701-425-6369) if you have any questions. Thank you!