UPDATE: Deadline has been extended to January 15th. Hello! The horse show season is coming to an end, don't forget to get your ads created for the NDQHA directory! Completed ads must be sent to Keely by January 1st, 2019. 🐴
The NDQHA Directory is a great place to advertise your business or show off your fabulous photos and accomplishments from the 2018 show season! This publication is sent to all NDQHA members (must have their membership dues paid).
Ad Sizes/Prices
Full Page (8.5 x 11): $175
Half Page (8.5 x 5.5): $95
Business Card: $25
Front Cover (8.5 x 11) (+ internal 1/2 page of content/images): $400 - SOLD
Back Cover: $150 - $150 - SOLD
Center Spread: $350 - SOLD
Ad Requirements:
High Resolution (300 dpi)
Must have 1/8" bleed (0.125 px)
Acceptable File Format (JPG, PDF, PNG)
Please contact Keely Hewitt to submit an ad or with any questions!
Please send ad payment to NDQHA by January 1st. Ad space can be paid for through Paypal or check. Please include a note that states what ad you are purchasing. Ads that are not paid for will not be published in the directory.